Thomas Moran


Androgyne Idol: Notes on the Chinese Androscene

Has the Communist Party of China declared war on the androgyne?

A series of new policies were launched by the Chinese state in 2021 to combat decadent influences on the youth of the nation …
by Thomas Moran

“I Love Michael Jackson”: Leaving the 20th Century

When Michael Jackson died on the 25th of June 2009, we were convinced that it was a publicity stunt. During his funeral service, held at the Staples Centre in L.A., we kept expecting him to emerge …
by Thomas Moran

Today is Lover’s Day! (2020) A Play for One or More Voices

And on the last day it began to cry, forgetting that it had been acting all along. And it was only in forgetting this that it had been able to sacrifice itself to a childish god. “Thank you for …
by Thomas Moran

Sublime Pap Or How I learned to stop worrying and love the KAWS

I have hesitated for some time before throwing my hat into this particular ring. This ring is of course the seventh circle of Hell known to the public as the KAWS show at the NGV …
by Thomas Moran